We do not expect you to make meaningful progress with this research alone. If we did, our focus would be to publish a piece of content, not to organize retreats and design spaces :)
1) Reading won't get you far
The map is not the territory. — ALFRED KORZYBSKI
In order to understand these insights and integrate them into your life, you will need to experience them yourself. Our retreats are embodied practices of the theory contained in these working documents. Engage in experiences that are developed around the insights that are most aligned with your intentions, developed by noesun or not.
2) These documents are not the support system you need
Each goal you have will require not only your effort but also tools, spaces, and teachers. Better not to embark on this journey alone. Books and research papers are useful but they are not written for your specific body and needs. That applies to the resources we share with you. You will not be able to dialog with them after trying what they contain. Because each of the aspects we cover requires different expertise, you will most likely end up with a few experts to guide you through.
At noesun, we have gathered a strong team to support your journey and give you the outcomes you need. Trained facilitators not only hold a safe space where you can practice, they also help you adjust so you benefit from your practice instead of suffering from it. A few degrees difference in a posture, a slight difference in the language you use may look trivial to the untrained eye, but is the difference between "make" and "break", and getting the results you look for or not. Build your team or/and use ours.