Women Circles
Women's circles are gatherings with the aim of creating a safe place for women to commune and share what is alive for them. It is a nonjudgmental, non-goal oriented space where we have the opportunity to be witnessed in whatever way we need most. We circle as women have for generations past, allowing the collective wisdom of our femininity, our bodies, and our yonis (energetic or physical) to benefit the whole. The diversity of what it means to each of us to be a woman and to be feminine will knit together to create a lattice of support and connection amongst our fellow sisters. Every time we commune is another moment of healing the breaches in our relationship to the collective and to our fellow sisters. Finding comfort in fellow women is something that many of us struggle with and one that has the simple fix of entering spaces where safety is carefully curated by an experienced member of the community. Through embodiment exercises and self-honoring practices, we connect to the safety we can find in our bodies and in community.
Nicole Siegel, certified sexological bodyworker, doula, postpartum healer, and founder of Body Compass
Nicole puts it into words as beautifully as she holds space. Little to add.

We usually program the Women Circles around a few embodiment practices, with one that we take time to go deep with. To give you an idea, we have used yoga, breathwork, dances, and BodyCare practices. The format changes from one circle to the next but it is always safe, nurturing, beautiful. Ala made this beautiful video (longer version below), it will give you a feel:
to join the the next circle